Today I have started to paint my white scars with a new technique using oil paints and weathering powder. I never was good at painting when I first started out, more or less I liked playing more than painting and that lead to rush paint jobs. This time around I plan to take my time and try and get a good looking army on the table then just one to push around.
So what my first lot of rushed scars looked like was this:
This was painted using this process:
1. Undercoat grey
2. Spray white with Scars white
3. Wash with nuln oil
4. Paint the large areas white again
5. Wash with 50/50 nuln oil/ agrax earthshade
6. then detail.
Now I have changed up and went through a new process and it goes something like this.
(Picture Heavy)
Undercoat Grey
Airbrush Vallejo Sky Grey 80/20 Vallejo White
Details and Battle damage then gloss and oils
Weathering Powders
Base and seal
And that's the finished product this time round took more time but was a blast to paint. Head over to A Galaxy In Flames this is where my friends taught me the wonders of oil washes.
Anyway any comments are much appreciated thanks for your time. Next time I'll spin you a tale on Astrid again where she has more fun with our wonderfully angry cleric.